All attorneys at law practicing within the state of New Jersey are bound by certain Rules of Professional Conduct. If you believe that anyone employed by or acting on behalf of this firm has violated any rule of professional conduct, it is imperative that you bring said violation to the attention of the managing principal immediately so that all appropriate steps may be taken (A) to protect your rights and the rights of the other clients at the firm, (B) to continue to provide ethical and unbiased representation at the highest level of service, and (C) to meet CLC's ethical obligation to related to the reporting of violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct that raises a substantial question about the attorney's honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer, as outlined in Rule 8.3 of the New Jersey Rules of Professional Conduct. The State of New Jersey has express procedures in place for the handling of allegations of violations of professional conduct and this communication is not meant to discourage you from making any report to any ethics board. If anything within this website or communication is inaccurate or misleading, you may report same to the Committee on Attorney Advertising, Hughes Justice Complex, P.O. Box 970, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0970.